A friend said 'bila kita suka dan buat sesuatu kerana Allah, setiap yang baik dan buruk kita terima dan redha.'
Also ' kita tak nampak yang buruk pada sesuatu yang kita suka, kerana kita tak suka dia kerana Allah'. Deep.
We had our first wedding last Saturday. My sister Idah's reception. At Singgahsana Hotel.
Upon writing this, I have just barely recovered from all the planning, buying, shopping, browsing, running around, answering calls, making calls and driving all over the place. Did everything but took pictures. So no pictures of the wedding for the time being.

A last minute wedding. All the advise to Idah to make up her mind quickly so that we are not short of time was just a waste of time. Then an issue with a blackberry came about. Shah gave me a blackberry for my birthday. I told Idah I cannot accept because if she does not accept his incessant proposal, I will have to return the cellphone. Idah said she will be accepting for she knows how much he loves her. I happily accepted the gift and within 2 weeks, the invitations were out.
Actually, doing the wedding was quite a scary task to take on . With my house problem and helping with Hafidz's wedding the week before, we now have a full blown wedding to organise. A hotel wedding package was called for. Time was short. Luckily my aunt is an experience wedding planner, so with the idea in our heads, we got things going, and going fast. We invited only 200 guest and kept it small but 'meriah'.
Being the bride's sister and filling my late mother' place, I bought the most expensive baju kurung I have ever bought in my life. I had to, since all the dresses I saw at the shops were too fancy and trendy for me.
Finally I chose a simple one, of cotton and some embroideries which ended up more expensive then the prettier ones on the displays. But since its the first wedding we held, I still bought it, especially with Mimi's encouragement, "beli aje Ma, bila lagi'.
Our 'hantaran' was in silver since Shah's was in gold. Silver flowers on parcels of silver wrapping paper. Silver ribbons were tied around all the items to customize them. Then Aunt Chor added on to the trays dark red roses to make it look more grand and spectacular.
I was everywhere that night. I was nervous and anxious for everything to go smoothly. Aunt Chor was in a hot blue long dress as the theme that night was 'any blue'. She was at the forefront being 'mak andam' and I was at the back, seeing the door gifts given out to the guest and saying hello to everyone.

Alhamdulillah, it went quite well, with some hiccups due to not having enough time to keep everyone informed and the people who were not prepared to take on last minute task, gave me a scolding instead.
As soon as the recorded kompang started and the bride and groom walk into the ballroom, we just let it roll as planned. With En. Manaf giving cues and signals to his staff with his walkie-talkie, we opened the ceremony with doa,(recited by our very own ustaz muda, Hilmee) and merenjis. Then followed by dinner, thank you speech by my brother, and cake cutting. We even had a surprise birthday cake for Shah.
My wedding favour was a goody bag filled with bunga telur (eggs from Bah, thank you Bah), bahulu given by Shah's mother, complimentary fruit cake from the hotel, some insect chocolates and I threw in a cute little ceramic bell. (picture above)
Siti, my wedding planner friend in Muar, advised me once, to have a smooth wedding, we must give the best and to be ikhlas. I tried. Partly on behalf of my dad. And my late mum.
Wishing Idah and Shah all the very best in their marriage. Bahagia selalu.