Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brinjals, chilies and tomatoes.


It is fruiting time for our edible garden. The flowers are out. The 3cm tomato seedlings have grown to be 3 feet tall, so do the brinjals and the chilies. It no longer look nicely arranged and in line since they grow in all directions.  But cannot beat the joy of seeing the flowers turning into little fruits and growing bigger and bigger everyday. I love having ulam raja with my rice but now the plant had exhausted it's leaves and had to be emm...'put to rest' and to be replaced with a new one. I will get it at the morning market on Sunday, InsyaAllah.

All this gardening is therapeutic you know.  It one of the natural prozacs in life.  It never fails to make you feel better. I guess humans are made to come in contact with nature and one cannot survive without the other so much so that people who lives among trees and greens are in a better well being than those that live in the concrete and steel jungle. I read of sick people who got better when they change their lifestyle from urban to a more nature surrounding habitat and  a diet of processed food to wholesome  natural food especially organic vegetables and fruits.  Gradually they regain their health and  their sickness subsides and dissapears. I guess, nothing like the real thing, huh?

What we do with our life is a lot like gardening. It starts with a seed.  The niat.  The right seed would produce the right plant.  If we plant a mango seed and wait for a durian fruit would be dumb. So if we plant the wrong niat in our hearts and hope for the right things to happen, it would not. For instance, if we are doing it for the money but say we are doing it for God, then you get a cut your salary, what happens?  You leave in a huff and a scoff. Arguing that one cannot live on water alone.

Then the ploughing.  Preparing for what ever you are out to do.  Getting ready the necessary. As a friend says, failing to plan is planning to fail. Something like that.

The weeding would mean staying away from the pest or parasites that suck your money and happiness and destroy your leaves of hope.

Watering and manure is like taking care of our physical health. Good food, vitamins, good diet.

The sun is love.  You need all the love you can get.

With all the above, you will be able to produce the best fruits to be benefited by yourself and others.

But nothing would happen without any effort.  No effort, no edible garden.

Love you, Selamat Berpuasa. Next change, pictures!!

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