Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Between the last blog and now

Between the last blog and now, so many things had happen.  Big things. Life changing. Mile stones of one's life.

After Nufaeel was born and made me a grandaunt, my nephew Hafidz got married to a very sweet girl, Farah.

Then my sister, Idah married a nice guy, Shah.

And I moved, not sure for temporary measures or for good, back close to where I came from, my real kampung, Petaling Jaya. (I am a lost child)

Turning 48 came with such big events, I guess 48 is one mile stone to mark, the real me.

I guess one will ultimately come home.  To what they are and to where they came from.  And being close to 50, an age that whatever that you are will be here to stay. I remember and believe what Oprah once wrote, to be careful when you get to 50.

Lay down all the charades, because what you will get when you squeeze an orange, is an orange. Thats one of my favorite quips, for if you want to know about someone, look at them when they are pressured.  If they are cool things, they would stay cool.  If they are hot, they will blow their top off.

We hear our elders saying, if one do not change after 40, one will not change. Except for some exceptional cases, I observe that to be true. I guess by 40 we lose the elasticity of putting up false pretenses  just as you start to lose the elasticity everywhere else, like your face.

This is not a good time to write, but I miss writing my blog.  My head is full of things I have to do before Idah's big day and my nerves are frayed from the events that are taking and had taken place.

So remember to always 'control ayu'  so by the time you get to 48 or 50, the 'ayu'ness becomes a trait to stay.

More stories to come.....tunggu....

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