First, this old lady now knows how to transfer photos from the handphone to the computer. It might be nothing to you, but for old ladies, its an achievement.

Today's post. Maybe Allah knows I need cheering up, He sent a kitten mewing her way into our household. It is a common cat. Plain, in a shade of grey with specks of orange, big eyes and extra big ears. We found it outside the house, mewing away, so we gave it food and water. I was worried because the cars were going in and out the porch very frequently and the kitten was all over the place. But I noticed it was smart enough not to let itself get flatten by the cars, staying out of the way when it hears the engines ignited. There had been cats that do not know what it means when the cars start 'vrooming' and keeps sitting there, waiting to be run over. I know, because I was the one who ran over them. Twice. But not this kitten, it would move away, only when the car is out of the gate, it comes back again. Another thing about cats, there are 2 kinds, the ones that comes to you and the ones you have to go after. This cat comes to you, the rarer kind.

Before long, Mimi was bathing her and pretty soon, Tutti Frutti was making herself very comfortable in the house. At first Shushu and Giogio frowned at her but Tutti was not bothered. Tutti found her way to the litter box, to their food and drinking from their big cup, as though she had been here all her life. But she does what the other two does not do, like sleeping on the bed, sitting on our laps and curling up close to us. Shushu is too regal and aloof while Giogio is too macho to do such things. Now they play together and Shushu would chase Tutti and the amorous Giogio, does come up to kiss her.too.
When Giogio first came, it was not easy to get acquainted with Shushu but a little thing like Tutti, she found her place without any fights at all. Hmm...that's something new.
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