Friday, September 9, 2011

My grandnephew

Day before yesterday, the stock brought in the 4th generation of the Ismail family. As cute as a button, Muhammad Nufaeel Harris made his entrance into our lives.

As his Nenek Izzah, this is my first role as Grand Auntie. Why I chosed to be called Nenek which sounds so old is because, other names like Tok Mummy, Tok Mama, Mak Tok, Tok Mak, Opah, Siti, Grandma, Granny already  have  a  formidable face attached to it and I had been 'Nenek' to wee little ones for quite some time. Also, no one else is fighting over this name, so Nenek I am.

As soon as I saw him on the sofa, all wrapped up in blanket, I know instantly he is going to be the gem in this family.  He is also the first son of the first son of the first son which, lets just say, makes him a 'a very special gem'.  This little thing has conquered everyone's attention.  His cuteness had got everyone cooing and fussing and silly.  I did got hold on myself from squeezing him too hard.

His uncles, my nephews, too are totally smitten.  The otherwise rowdy young men suddenly became big fat softies over this baby.  And the father, Hassan, as usual, took the role of daddy with such ease and so naturally, that we, the 2nd generation have nothing to worry about.

Alhamdulillah is all that I can say.

Nufaeel, Nenek pray that you will become a good slave to Allah, a good son, a good person who succeeds and is happy in this world and hereafter. That Allah blesses you and watches over you every single moment and you get alot of milk. (Mummy Intan not producing enough milk yesterday) Ameen.

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