Yesterday I noticed some of the tomato plants are shrivelling and drying up. Oh No! I have to do something to save them. These are the fruits of my life. Those who knows me ever since I was young, which is few, would know that I consume tomatoes raw and plenty. Aishah takes that after me. She too eats tomatoes like apples.
Eventhough I was fasting, I have to do as the book says. Tomatoes need a lot of soil. And I guess the make-shift pots won't do. But how do I make a bigger bed for the tomatoes. I have no choice but to make it from the bricks. So I piled up the bricks that seemed heavier during the puasa month, into a small retainer by the wall. I will buy some soil and manure to fill it up. Before that, I dug up holes to put the plants in.
In gardening, the fun part was plotting the patch and planting little seeds and little seedlings. It a joy watching it germinate, producing its first shoots and grow steadily. After that comes the difficult part. Maintaining and keeping it healthy and productive. Some thrive, some does not even when you treat and tend them all the same way. Why?? I asked. Hajar said, "rezeki, Mama." I guess. But I will do my best to save all these rezeki. That takes hard work, and know hows. Maybe I have to use the pesticides which I am hoping I do not have to. Planned on going organic.
I remember when I was young and there were many tomato plants in the pots around the house. Being impatient and impulsive, I would pick the fruit green and eat them. My late mother would get angry for no fruit could get ripe for her to see and enjoy. Now, with these plants in my garden, the distinct smell of the tomato plant and leaves are the same as ever. It all comes back. Just from that smell alone. The sneaking, the plucking and woofing down the fruit before the old people shout. "JANGAN PETIK! BIAR MASAK DULUUUUU"!!!.
I really really hope I can save the tomatoes. Selamat Berpuasa.

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