Sunday, August 22, 2010

Second act - part 2

When you read on the net about people  moving out from your big houses to live in small houses, or see  corporate people  started planting vegetables and rearing chickens, it sort of leaves  you worried.  Is this real? Then on Oprah I saw people being laid off work that immediately changed their place in society,  from high-class to middle class, from middle to poor, from celebrity to layman.  Would that happen to us too?  Then comes the floods in Pakistan and China, the earthquakes  (this is getting depressing).

So rule no 1 -  live within your means.

2. Buy smaller fish to eat. Cut what we eat and cook in size and portions. Not too small. We still need nutrients. Air Asia menu size portion looks small but sufficient, no?

3. Go and buy at the cheapest place, like here in Shah Alam, Tesco offers good prices.

4. Eat in (Sorry  Dellizze regulars)

5. Save electricity, water and fuel (ok, no more fan for cats)

6. Less entertainment.  Turn out and clean your cupboards instead. Kitchen cupboards too.  Do gardening. Share my love for edible gardens. (not that I have one) Learn new recipes. Cheap but good fun like go walking with a friend. Take up a new inexpensive hobby.  Have pets. Keep fishes. Sit with the family. Join the library. Learn a new language. Sew own clothes.

7.  Deposit slowly but surely.  Fill up piggy banks with the loose change.  Invest for those who know where to invest.   For those who doesn't know, do it the old fashion way, keep it anywhere really safe in the house. 

8. Always pay our zakat and give sedeqah for these two will clean and increase our rezeki.

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