Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mekah and Siti Hajar

The plight of Siti Hajar has effected me more than than I know.  I must have loved her since I named my first child Hajar.

The story of the woman behind the building of Mekah. Wow! That is awesome isn't it? A WOMAN! By my poor and humble judgement, correct me if I am wrong, Mekah was built on trust.  Let me explain.

Siti Hajar was a slave.  No lineage or high ancestry to her name.  We do not know of beauty either even though  until today we see people from that side of the world generally are beautiful. We only know her as a slave given to Prophet Ibrahim alaihisalam. We also know Prophet Ibrahim has another wife, Siti Sarah who at that time could not bear him a child.

When Siti Hajar gave birth to Ismail, Siti Sarah could not take the rivalry, so Prophet Ibrahim who loves Hajar and  his long awaited baby son, had to place them elsewhere.  He brought them to then, a barren land to be left there.

Siti Hajar begged him for mercy but he said that he leaves them in the care of Allah swt. With that one line, Siti Hajar surrendered to her fate and let Prophet Ibrahim leave while he recited the famous doa in the AlQuran for Allah to take care of his family, for fruits, for sympathy, for peace.

Prophet Ibrahim as and Siti Hajar laid their trust solely and exclusively on Allah.  Thus,  trust is the beginning of Mekah Al Mukaramah.

Each time I sit in front of the Kaabah, I can see two figures. A mother and her baby who trusted greatly.

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