Saturday, August 7, 2010

Little Ladies Part 8

In Mekah, the little ladies, the mother and the grandmother (Mama Robiyah, who is a mother to me) did their best to do as much ibadat as possible.

We all did the whole works, the hurry for jemaah prayers for every waktu, to read the Quran, to pray various solat sunnat, the repentance, to doa for all that we need and of course, to do our umrah  which comprise of miqat, tawaf, sa'i, tahlul and to kiss the Hajarul Aswad whenever we can.  To take care of what we feel, intentions, (our niat) say and do for in Mekah it is cash delivery. You pay the price quite immediately for your actions. The outcome doesn't come in  installments.   I have a few stories on strange effects from my own wrong doings.

In Mekah and Madinah, I had to take care of Mama for she is old with weak eyesignt, Hajar plodded along, and Aishah and Mimi went exploring on their own.

The best part was on the last evening before departing home the next day,  we wanted to say our own goodbyes.  Mama and I wanted to kiss the Hajarul Aswad  and make doa at the Multazam for the last time and headed to it. From another direction I saw Aishah and Mimi heading towards it too, and  saw Hajar coming the same way.

Though we went about in our different paces in Mekah, but in the end, we ended at the same place. Subhanallah  Walhamdulillah Wallahuakbar. Thank you Allah,  I ask for nothing more.

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