Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Breaking fast together

If Aishah had invited one Indian doctor, yesterday we would have a rosy picture of breaking fast 1Malaysia.

Otherwise, with  Bibi's Pakistani  features and eurasion colouring, pretty as a chinese picture  Xin Li,   Shaz, Aishah and I, the 'interfriendship'  were a mixed array of  'colours' . I for one, was happy to cook for these promising young women with such fine mental faculties and aspirations, though equally pretty Peh Hueh, who was on call,  could not join us.

Beneath the talking, laughing and eating, we have,  in some tiny way, fear in our hearts of this being our last meal together. At least in Shaz's heart, I am sure. And I hope there are meals  like this again so that I can try out other recipes and  watch  you all grow from strength to strength in your careers and in your personal lives . And as I said, strong friendships  can stand the test of time, and being humans, the test of hurt and pain too  that we would  inflict on each other intentionally or unintentionally at some time or other.  As long as we accept a friend  for what they are and respect and cherish one another, no matter what our race.  True friendship does make this world a better place. That, I think, is one belief  everyone at the table share.

So study hard, work hard, play hard and I pray you all achieve your dreams.

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