Friday, May 17, 2013

Spicy pizza and trifle

Today my daughter and my son-in-law is paying me a visit.

As I was checking the pantry for what is in the house to make for tea,  I found a can of peaches and jello and some fresh milk in the fridge.  All these can make a trifle and  I whipped  them all up into a  cakeless trifle since there is no cake.

At the moment I am waiting for the rest of the ingredients to make a spicy pizza.  The recipe called for garam masala and Mimi called from the supermarket to say there isn't any on the shelf.  Not defeated, I turned to the net to make my own garam masala from scratch.  I hope this turns out because I don't really know how the real garam masala taste like to compare with the one I just made.

Mimi's doctor told her that the Indian race keep  illnesses at bay because they consume  alot of spice in their dishes.

Turmeric, ginger and garlic are good anti-inflammatory food.  Our grandmothers and their mothers use a lot of these spice as medication after delivery and during confinement and they believe when added with other spices, would shrink the womb and to release gas or wind accumulated in the body.  During those times  research on the spices was not heard of, but they were widely used by women.  The 'jamu' and 'makjun', a traditional  Malay and Indonesian medicine are made out of spices.

So lets add some spice to our cooking and stay young and kicking .

1 comment:

Picipu said...

Thank you mama. the spicy pizza is not bad :)