Saturday, May 11, 2013

Halal and Toyyibah

This morning in Tanyalah Ustaz, spoke of the defination of Halal.

We should not take lightly of  what we eat and should take an extra mile in finding and eating food which  without a single doubt is free from any non-halal substance.

Even when most of the ingredients are halal, it is the little stuff that can makes it questionable.  The levening  agents, improvers, preservatives and stabilizers are the ones we do not know of their origins.

The ustaz says that the halal JAKIM logo is a safe bet to go by as their endorsement follows the Syariah's requirements.

For one thing, there might be a price to pay for the smoothness and the full-flavouredness and the meltingness and the fluffiness and the deliciousness.of many foods in the market.

A bit less in taste but 100% halal and toyyibah is okay.

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