Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Woman of substance

Mercy sent me an email thanking me for being a volunteer.  It made me so happy eventhough I only went for one day only.  The thought of me being a part of a team that helps people in trouble and in need had always been a dream.  The spark to help out is still there.  But in reality, my life and I might be more a hindrance then help.  I am not upwardly mobile like them, I am an introvertly stick-in-the-mud.  hehe. 

This week  I was down, in a far from jubilant mood.  Maybe it is the passing on of Makcik Alia, my sister-in-laws mother who had been a part of our family eversince Kak Hanim married my brother.  She was a teacher and a single parent bringing up 5 children. I saw her more when she came to live with Kak Hanim for the past  8 years.

When she was hospitalised due to a fall on the eve of hariraya, we thought that she would be strong enough to pull through. Maybe because she recovered from her stroke, she would recover from her fall. Although she is 74 of age, Makcik Alia, whom to me had gritting determination and a positive attitude, she never looked old.

However it was time. Innalillawainnailaihiroji'un. One grand lady, who was salt of the earth, had left us. 

That leaves me thinking. Who would take the place of these wonderful people.  Nowadays, in this generation, we hear terms like hot mamas and hot grandmas, who work hard to keep looking youthful and beautiful. To look great and ala mode.

No such thing with the older generation, they were not at all hot, but they were full of wisdom and substance.  They were epitome of the righteous.  They lived by the law of doing everything right. (No doubt they have flaws..) The right way to act, the right way to keep house, the right way of bringing up children, teaching them religion and the ways of life. Their mission in life is to put straight their families.  Their advice came in the form of alot of nagging, which would only be missed when they are no longer around.  By then, most of their job is done. They had made good people out of their lot.

They are also examples of endurance because they had standards to keep. High ones.  They do not easily settle for less than what they expect out of us.  More for our sake then theirs.

Makcik Alia had given me some advice which she got out from a few books. She photostated many copies to give her family.  It is still in my file. 

May Allah bless her and put her among the elevated souls. Al-fatihah.

The question is, can we do like they do?  Can we produce results like them? Can we teach the next generation good qualities so that they would impart the same on the next?  A tall order to fill their shoes.  Nevertheless, their shoes need to be filled.

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