Alhamdulilah, Allah has given Hajar a talent in the kitchen. It started out she had nothing to do last Ramadhan and I asked her to make something from what she learnt at the cooking classes to give people for buka puasa. So cream puffs was her first attempt and it came out fluffy, puffy and lemak berkrim that everyone who got them really likes them so much that they started ordering, especially during the month of hariraya. Eversince, its every weekend of cream puff baking for her.
I told her it is not easy to sell our goods. Not everything that we cook is marketable. Most of us wish we can sell something but to get people asking for more takes a special touch. And Alhamdulilah, having that, she is able to do a small business from home.
Customer asked what else do we make (we is she) so we started making pizza. Hajar makes the dough, I assemble it. (ssshhh...hajar is good at making anything fluffy, because she is kind of fluffy herself hehehe) And will try out more. Next one is kek lapis strawberry.
When Kak Asmah gave her an oven for the birthday on the 9th that day, (an oven!!!) it was an encouragement to push herself.

Rezeki comes from Allah and if He wants to give, He gives in ways you do not expect, to whom He choses.
Aishah is happy her dream of having a small foodie outlet (like Dellize) is showing signs of coming true.
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