My friend from school, Adi, full name Fadzillah is the one who gave me the name Fish. For the simple reason that I like to eat fish. If she asks me what am I eating, it is always fish, so Fish I am to her. She encouraged me to write and use that name, hence came about this humble blog of mine.
She requested I write about life with my girls. Are you sure, Adi? We are not the Gilmore Girls you know. We are mother and daughters in the real world of ups and downs, more down than up. You might fall asleep of boredom or have to bear reading about the difficulties. I remember a book that I read when I was young called Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Maybe I will call this segment, Little Ladies by Nor Fish Ismail. Only that they are no longer little, they are all taller than me.
Little Ladies
When the girls were young, driving them to school was important to me. I look forward to that particular time because that is the only way they cannot escape my lectures. They are not going to jump out of the car when I go nag nag nag nag. I will switch on something islamic or Quran recitation to realign their wavelength. No rock and roll before their studying. No good. The Quran is light, lets get some light in their heads....
I was very involved in their studies. More because I regretted not studying harder in school. I am sure they were irritated by their mum who looks upon their homework like a person who had found some lost treasure or something. I go like, Waaahhh!!!! Homework!!!! I made sure they have enough pencils, erasers, sharpeners because being equipped with stationary makes a smoother study, without having to sprint everywhere in class to borrow from classmates. Its a student's tools. Like a carpenter and his tools.
I was taught very hard (not just drummed into me, but hammered into me) that food is very important by my ex-mother in law.(one of the best cooks in the world) "Do not let your children salivate looking at other people's food." And since I grew up doing just that towards other people's food, because food is not 'that important' in our house, I made sure that the girls always have enough to eat. I did not cook that well, but I know what the girls like, and cooked the way they like, so much so that Aishah could not eat the food in Kuching because their omellete taste different from mine.
to be continued.....

Can you tell who is who here?
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