Monday, December 28, 2009

truth can be stranger than fiction

I am planning to write a book and I am also planning to stop blogging for a while. But I don't know whether I can write a book or not.

I was looking through some writers' websites for inspiration and to see how small I am compared to them. Very very very small. A drop in the ocean, as they say.   I went to Danielle Steel, J K Rowling, Adeline Mah, Yan Martel, Doris Mortman. They are my favourite writers. Their books are mesmerising and I can read them over and over again. How did they write such wonderful books.  Such huge talents. I only have 7 readers of my new and unknown blog, aishah, hajar, mimi (I remind them to read everyday ) Intan, Adi , Melissa and whoever 'guest' is, and I want to write a book?  Maybe I am a dreamer more than anything else. But do you know, a friend at persidam, Kak Yati, one day brought out a book she wrote out of her bag? That was more surprizing, because, she was quietly learning pengajian Islam everyday,sitting next to me.  A diligent matured student, face in kitab all the time, showed me her book on 'Memasak untuk remaja' all printed with illustrations. There you are....tak sangka.

Danielle Steel went through alot in her personal life. How strong she is to survive the heartbreaking experiences , similar to the heroin in her stories. Maybe that inspired her to write. I have, in my life, gone through some things that we find in novels and tv dramas.  I believe many story books are based on   someone's real  experiences, but made readable and more interesting  to sell. Only that in real life, the pain is real.

I will try, ok? Bismillahirohmanirohim. As what I like to say to my boys in Rumah Aman when they feel apprehensive, JUST TRY. Wish me luck and pray that I complete it.

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