I can't go writing 100 happy post, I am the kind that gets easily bored.
Anyway, we are not put in this world to be happy, but to gain the blessings of Allah.
Nevertheless, happy is important because being unhappy is bad for the soul. That is why we have to learn to stay happy, if not, at least, to keep cool.

And no one is happy all the time.
When it comes to heartbreaks, I am up there, where few have been.
It sucks the life out of you, swallow you whole. You forget what it is like, the emotion happy. Its a stranger to your heart.
But after the dust settle, as it always would, you must give yourself permission to be happy again. Telling yourself, despite the hurt, the heartaches, the giving up, the bleak, the damage, that its okay....to be happy.
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