As you can see, I have made a few changes this new year. Something new would be nice after 2 years of blogging eventhough my readers are only a hand full. But I believe it is important to take care of something that you like doing and I like writing. And with my intentions to make people smile and share a few knowledge and discoveries and experience is still very much intact, I am going 'orange' (layout colour) and show you a lioness. It was over the other side in her cage, but still, I am happy to have a lioness in my photo. For a bit of growl. That's me and my simple pleasures. And I have alot of simple pleasures since I did not go through much great pleasures in life. Maybe if I did not bring myself to notice the simple pleasures there would not be any pleasure at all. hihi. Then again, I am utterly grateful to Allah for whatever he has bestowed upon me. For He knows best what is good or bad for His slaves.
With Bismillahirohmanirohim, here I go.
When I first begin to blog, I was full of fear. Fear that I would write nonsense. Fear of poor English or Malay. Fear of sounding dumb or out of line. I think I have done all those in my post, but because writing comes from somewhere deeper in me, I just kept on and on for the last few years. I myself could not believe that I wrote all that. hihi. Oh well, Nor-fish is here to stay. Nak baca, baca. Tak nak, sudah. When I reread, in some post, maybe I sound like I am preaching, macam bagus je, when I myself is not so great. But I still want you to think about it, laugh at me, but think about it.

I have so much to tell you. About coming home. About listening to your heart. About everything finally seem to make sense. About the truth that Allah says, Innama usri yusra. After hardship there is ease. About Allah will help our good intentions. About every horse has its own field.

But for now, I have this diversion. I am selling cookies. I am now a cookie seller cum blogger. Cute huh? Nor-cookie. And.... being a cookie seller, my world has became a bit more interesting.....
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