Wednesday, January 4, 2012

GG oven is off the ground

Before this, when I write about someone or something, I will put it under the best light and go from there.  It is not that every is fine and dandy, for the matter, everything is far from dandy.  But what is the point of telling the flaws and weaknesses of other people in this blog.  Not that by doing so it can change them.  And it does not seem fair to write bad things about others and  not do the same with your own self.

Like I said, for a long time, everything was far from fine.  This world is full of crap.  But who am I to judge, I am crappy too.

With Hajar not at the best point of her life, Allah is giving us rezeki from the product of her hands.  In my previous posts I had shared my vision  on having a small bakery and selling our foodies.  It has now became a reality.  Her cookies business is, if I may say so, promising. Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Will show you pictures soon.

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