I started to bake when I was in Std 4. I would peruse my mother's recipe book endlessly, just drooling over the captivating delicious pictures of all sorts of cakes, biscuits and pies. I still remember the day I baked my first cake. Honey cake. It turned out well. I dare say so because even when my mum scolded me for actually baking a cake and not just imaginary baking when I play house, she had served some to my tuition teacher, Miss Procter. Miss Procter said that it was a good cake. For a 10 year old. Then I was banned from baking.
When I moved back to KL, my baking utensils were among the selected things I brought back here. Other than my Arab books, my English books and my sewing machine. My few 'harta'.
Hajar has taken over the baking. And if I let myself, I can start baking too. But baking but not eating is too difficult.
There is this cute bakery in the neighbourhood called Lil' Haven. I befriended the owner, Su and have gone to buy her cakes many times, telling her how much I like her bakery, for her to keep it going and recommended my family and friends to buy from her. We can eat there too. And if there is a vacancy at her shop, yours truly will be the first to apply.