We started earlier to clean and spruce up the house, but only now picking up in pace. Being a true last minute person, starting early is just an act, really, nothing much done.

Hajar is a fastidious person, she cleans well into every crook and corners, such as scrubbing the tiles on hind legs. She goes for the rust, grit and grime, I go for the outer surfaces and storaging. We will leave the windows and curtains to Aishah when she arrives tonight. Mimi, hmmm...she can decorate when our new little glass cupboard comes and wash our baju raya and tudung raya and the telekong raya given by Kak Hanim and the artificial flowers.
We are giving away what we no longer use, like clothes, to our relatives (sedeqah should be to relatives first) in Kota Bharu. Recycle what can be recycled eventhough we get pittance for the price we paid for them.
Lets clear the clutter and the cobwebs. Lets have a spick and span hari raya. But don't spend too much time cleaning. Ramadhan and the night of Syawal is still a time for ibadat. That is more important.
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