Tuesday, March 9, 2010


FRANCE. Friendship remains and never can end. In my school days, I wrote alot of that when I penned down words in my friends' autograph books. Sometimes I write it vertically, sometimes horizontally to add more impact on the page, emphasizing on how wonderful friendship is, or to fill up the empty spaces, making up for lack of ideas.  Many many years passed  and everyone had drifted away on their own paths,  except for the few that brought  truth to that abbreviation, F.R.A.N.C.E.

Being in many schools, and a new girl many times over, did not give friendship a chance to flourish for the long haul. But somehow with SIGS, the fraternity seemed to be strangly 'deep'. It must be in our school song or something Mrs Dawn Perry put in our heads.

The few that kept in touch are a great blessing to me. Bahiah and I practically grew old together as we had never parted. We went through the whole works of ups and downs, rain and shine. Conquered many trials we encountered along our way. After Adi, Gee, Muni and I got reunited about 10 years ago, they have been permanent fixtures that added immence value to my life. I do not see much of Muni but this women has a knack for calling me up when I need someone to talk to badly, so that makes up for her not being there in person. You cannot imagine how an old friend can take you out of your dark moments by being there for you. They restore your believe in yourself because they see you the way they saw you before, before the despair and damages life brought upon you.  Only an old friend can do this.

To my pet sister Fauziah Yaacob or pink panther (because she is pinkish white), surprise, surprise we are still sisters AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!

You are all what makes this world a better place  for me and I dedicate my most heartflelt  F.R.A.N.CE  to all of you again.

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