Thursday, March 25, 2010

don't worry be happy

What makes us happy ?. That would depend on each individual. The examples of things that makes us happy. Wealth and what comes with it.  Family. Challenges, some people are warriors at heart, ready to take the next level of everything until they reach the top. Doing charity work gives some people contentment and fullfillment. Travel and see the world, globetrotting. Friends and more friends.

Being happy is good. It gives out good vibes and good charge. It makes the body and mind healthy. It lights up your face, and a potent anti-aging agent. It creates a good aura. (the overated buzz word, aura)

However, being happy can be tricky. How does one be happy when we are in an unhappy situation and everything else is falling apart. When we lose something valuable to us, or fail.

To me, being happy is not getting what we want. It is just a decision to be happy instead of  being unhappy, It is saying " I want to be happy, no matter what".

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