Friday, March 4, 2011

autumn in shah alam

In Shah Alam there are alot of trees.  Therefore, alot of leaves, which seemed to be falling.

At this point of time.

I see the sweepers  busy sweeping and I suddenly have a desire.  A strange one.  To sweep the leaves too.

I would be happy to be able to sweep and put the leaves in the big black bags.

Swish, swish, swish goes my broom, piling the leaves, clearing the grounds.

Swish, swish, swish goes my broom, being a part of the leaves'  cycle of life,

Once green, now brown and falling off.

Covering the earth, messing the roadsides.

If I sweep, a simple task so vast to complete.

A change from my usual, mind boggling deep thinking task, so vast to complete.

It would be so nice to do, to just sweep, sweep, sweep

At this point of time.

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