Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I have finished my third novel by Andrea Hirata and is intoxicated by his writing. Wow and double wow. 

Allah had given him a gigantic talent to be able to narrate in his style and you are gripped to the last page, no cooking or washing or cleaning the house for the day.  He has that effect on me.  His stories somehow does alot of jumping and leaping and bouncing in my heart.

How do I write like him? Sigh.....

Most of all, he inspires me with all his tales.  That our dreams do come true.  That he found parts of him, the mosaics of his life in the things he had done and finding what he believes in, along the way.

I too want to find my mosaics of life, and have found a few already today. Small, chipped and cracked ones.

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