Monday, October 1, 2012

Back to business and 49

It is a few hours past my birthday.  49.  Yesterday I received birthday wishes from those close to me including my dentist.  Thank-you loved ones.

Its back to business and I have taken a bigger step from my stint  sellling cookies during Ramadhan at the bazaar in Amcorp Mall. I am now helping Sue at her quaint cafe, Lil Haven, down the road, in the neighbourhood.

Sometimes one knows not what one loves until one sees it.  I don't 'love' Lil Haven per say  but when Sue tells me she needs help to keep the place open, I just have to do something..

Sue has put in alot in her cafe.  Her decor, her product, her cooking all shows it comes from her heart.  A cafe in blue hue,( I am a blue person, according to the colour therapy expert, Dr Rahim, section 13 Shah Alam) all is done in good taste. Everyone in this Chaca-marba (mixed and diversified, that's me too, in my head) area  comes here.  White, black, yellow, brown, they all go to Lil Haven for coffee, or for Sue's signature drink, ice-lemon tea, all sorts of cakes, scones, big biscuits or sandwiches.

So I paid for a small space and sell  nasi lemak and meehoon in the morning, and lunch in the afternoon, food that Sue does not make but what the cafe needs.  So I became the complimentary unofficial not actually  partner of sorts and my forte is to fill up the blanks in Lil Haven.

I am not that great a cook but under the category of home-cooked,  honest and wholesome food, I don't do so bad.  Nevertheless,  I seek a wonderful cook, Kak Ros to cook the main dishes, got Hajar to make her signature nasi lemak along side with whatever that I can cook decently.

Boy oh boy, it looked much easier than it is. This is hard work. No joke. Penat giler.

Sue appreciates  my help and I guess two heads are better than one.  I have been meddling in the food business for sometime now, selling or cooking this and that but not in a serious way.  This is a bold step I am taking and when I cannot meet the requirements, I have no choice but to step it up and is continuing to do so till now.

I pray Sue's dream to see her cafe succeed would come true.  She deserves it.  Lil Haven is an oasis for tired rat-racers and others to unwind with tea or coffee or to just meet up. Ida, the talented baker deserves a mention here too since she bakes really delicious cakes.

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