How boring can I be for loving cotton. Cotton anything. Another favourite thing.
I love cotton cloth. Give me a piece of small flowered, sweet coloured cotton cloth and it would make my day, making something out of it. From small items to big items, if made from cotton, I would love it. Maybe because I like natural things. Feeling that natural is always best.

I have a story to tell of kapok or cotton. Some years back I was helping Kak Long Azlina with her engagement. On a small budget we were preparing the 'hantaran' together and Alhamdulilah, all was well. I went to her house in Mentakab by bus for the Majlis Meminang. All went well too. Coming back to KL by bus again the next day, Kak Long's mum gave me kapok as a token of thanks for helping them out. It was in a big rough bag. Big, big. She 'produced' it herself by hand from the cotton trees around their house.

I did not know how to carry the big bag and my overnight bag and my handbag when I am to disembark the public transports I was about to embark into from Mentakab to home but since I like cotton so much and does not want to hurt their feelings, I braved it, ignoring the second glances I got, and pretended I thought nothing of walking while dragging a huge bag of kapok from one station to another.
Finally I reached home, happy and pleased I have so much cotton and forgetting the embarrassment along the way.. I made many pillows, around 8, big and small and still have some more in the cupboard. Chor my aunt, made one pillow for herself. Not easy filling up the cases and pushing with wooden rods for the kapok to fit in snugly .
Many may not even bother with all this, or notice cotton trees or find any pleasure in making pillow with kapok.

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