Friday, March 25, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
hot air balloon
I am trying without much success to copy paste the pictures taken by Mimi of the hot air balloon fiesta in Putrajaya. I do not know why I cannot do it. I would like to share it with you so much. Because I like them balloons so much. It is one of those things.
Doesn't it look delightful? Round at the top and closing at the bottom into a teardrop shape, with a wicker basket tied below, the balloons usually in bright or mixed colors or motifs, looking like an animation in the sky. How can something that look so incredibly cute able to do incredible things like ferrying people up in the sky, also being the first craft in the world to do so, while adding romance and whimsicals to the whole idea . Imagine yourself in a hot air balloon crossing the fields, trees and rivers, in a basket. A basket!!! I can die from the cuteness of it all.
At the fiesta, the balloons are blown up using big fans and heating equipments. Then they would puff upwards with all the hot air. Equipped with the cylinders in the basket that burns out fire to keep the air in the balloon hot and afloat. There were twenty over hot air balloon preparing to take off.
The balloon pilots, as most pilots are, look so debonair but with somewhat roguish charm since their sport is for the daring, since it is just you, the balloon, the basket and God's good humour. You do not see them in safety suits or safety gadgets, just their rakish smile and experiences managing the wind. And maybe prayers.
You could land abruptly dangerously, to put it nicely, and it can be where you should not be landing but all is too cute to think of the worst. For all I can imagine, you can go around the world in a hot air balloon landing only on the most picturesque places like the fruit orchards in the Mediteranean or the zen gardens in Japan. Maybe drop by Taj Mahal for a short while to reflect on other people's love story and perhaps the Buckingham Palace to witness Prince William's wedding. Or Beatrix Potter's home at the Lake District, Scotland. See, my imaginations qualifies me to be on one, but the courage part, I am not sure.
At the moment unfortunately I cannot paste the beautiful pictures taken by Mimi..Hot air balloonis are a natural prozac for me, all the wonderful balloons lifting up into the sky, lifting my spirits, lifting my hopes into a euphoria.
Aishah could only bite her fingers, as she could not get into one.
Hope we can go to Turkey for a real ride one day. As is Aishah's dream.
Doesn't it look delightful? Round at the top and closing at the bottom into a teardrop shape, with a wicker basket tied below, the balloons usually in bright or mixed colors or motifs, looking like an animation in the sky. How can something that look so incredibly cute able to do incredible things like ferrying people up in the sky, also being the first craft in the world to do so, while adding romance and whimsicals to the whole idea . Imagine yourself in a hot air balloon crossing the fields, trees and rivers, in a basket. A basket!!! I can die from the cuteness of it all.
At the fiesta, the balloons are blown up using big fans and heating equipments. Then they would puff upwards with all the hot air. Equipped with the cylinders in the basket that burns out fire to keep the air in the balloon hot and afloat. There were twenty over hot air balloon preparing to take off.
The balloon pilots, as most pilots are, look so debonair but with somewhat roguish charm since their sport is for the daring, since it is just you, the balloon, the basket and God's good humour. You do not see them in safety suits or safety gadgets, just their rakish smile and experiences managing the wind. And maybe prayers.
You could land abruptly dangerously, to put it nicely, and it can be where you should not be landing but all is too cute to think of the worst. For all I can imagine, you can go around the world in a hot air balloon landing only on the most picturesque places like the fruit orchards in the Mediteranean or the zen gardens in Japan. Maybe drop by Taj Mahal for a short while to reflect on other people's love story and perhaps the Buckingham Palace to witness Prince William's wedding. Or Beatrix Potter's home at the Lake District, Scotland. See, my imaginations qualifies me to be on one, but the courage part, I am not sure.
At the moment unfortunately I cannot paste the beautiful pictures taken by Mimi..Hot air balloonis are a natural prozac for me, all the wonderful balloons lifting up into the sky, lifting my spirits, lifting my hopes into a euphoria.
Aishah could only bite her fingers, as she could not get into one.
Hope we can go to Turkey for a real ride one day. As is Aishah's dream.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Apa yang Allah halalkan dalam kitabNya maka halal.
Apa yang Allah haramkan, maka haram. Apa yang Dia
diamkan maka itu dimaafkan. Terimalah
kemaafanNya. Kerana sesungguhnya Allah tidak
pernah lupa sesuatu pun”. Lalu baginda membaca
firman Allah (maksudnya): “Maka tidaklah tuhanmu
itu lupa
-- HR. al-Hakim dan al-Darqutni
Monday, March 14, 2011
Kita banyakkan tazkirah
Hai, bila datang musibah yang besar-besar baru lah insaf.
Kalau tidak, sibuk dengan apa-apa entah. Asyik lupa.
Kalau kita banding dulu dengan sekarang, datanglah rasa takut, sebab dulu-dulu musibah tak lah begini kerap. Jarang-jarang sekali, sekali dalam 20 atau 30 tahun, paling dekat, 10 tahun sekali. Kita dengar tentang gempa di benua lain, dan yang saya ingat, semasa sekolah dulu, letupan gunung berapi yang lahar yang telah menlenyapkan sebuah pulau. Itu pun pulau yang jauh dan tak di kenali. Yang nama nya tak pernah kita dengar.
Sekarang 'disasters' ini berlaku dekat dengan kita. Terlalu dekat. Kita pernah pergi ke sana, atau kawan kita pernah atau berada di sana atau anak kawan kita berada di sana, seperti di Jepun. Saya harap dan doakan anak DrF yang bekerja di Jepun selamat.
Amat amat menakutkan. Kecut hati dan perut di buatnya.
Seolah-olah alam kita marah. Jadi keluar lah dendam nya yang tak dapat di kekang , tak dapat di hindar atau pun di lawan. Datangnya untuk menghancurkan. Untuk memusnahkan.
Atau dunia sudah tua dan menghampiri kefanaannya.Crack sana, crack sini.
Bagaimana kita ni yang berada di atas nya. Selamatkah kita? Kalau kita tak dapat selamatkan jasad, sekurang-kurangnya dapat selamat kan iman kita.
Kita hendaklah terus juangkan hidup kita, iman kita sedaya mungkin. Betulkan syahadah, betulkan amal ibadat, betulkan niat. Baca doa iftitah kita dan selami maknanya
"Sesungguhnya solat ku, ibadahku hidupku dan matiku untuk Allah raja sekelian alam."
Kita bersatu hati untuk saling ingat mengingati, boleh? Ikutlah, melalui facebook ke, blog ke, email ke.
Dan sentiasa berdoa supaya Allah melindungi kami, keluarga kami, sahabat handai kami dan juga semua muslimin dan muslimat seluruh dunia. Besarkan lingkungan doa.
Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan kepada semua mangsa bencana alam, dan gantikan apa yang telah mereka hilang dengan yang lebih baik.Ameen. Bacalah Innalillawainnailaihiroji'un.dan doa-doa musibah. .
Kalau tidak, sibuk dengan apa-apa entah. Asyik lupa.
Kalau kita banding dulu dengan sekarang, datanglah rasa takut, sebab dulu-dulu musibah tak lah begini kerap. Jarang-jarang sekali, sekali dalam 20 atau 30 tahun, paling dekat, 10 tahun sekali. Kita dengar tentang gempa di benua lain, dan yang saya ingat, semasa sekolah dulu, letupan gunung berapi yang lahar yang telah menlenyapkan sebuah pulau. Itu pun pulau yang jauh dan tak di kenali. Yang nama nya tak pernah kita dengar.
Sekarang 'disasters' ini berlaku dekat dengan kita. Terlalu dekat. Kita pernah pergi ke sana, atau kawan kita pernah atau berada di sana atau anak kawan kita berada di sana, seperti di Jepun. Saya harap dan doakan anak DrF yang bekerja di Jepun selamat.
Amat amat menakutkan. Kecut hati dan perut di buatnya.
Seolah-olah alam kita marah. Jadi keluar lah dendam nya yang tak dapat di kekang , tak dapat di hindar atau pun di lawan. Datangnya untuk menghancurkan. Untuk memusnahkan.
Atau dunia sudah tua dan menghampiri kefanaannya.Crack sana, crack sini.
Bagaimana kita ni yang berada di atas nya. Selamatkah kita? Kalau kita tak dapat selamatkan jasad, sekurang-kurangnya dapat selamat kan iman kita.
Kita hendaklah terus juangkan hidup kita, iman kita sedaya mungkin. Betulkan syahadah, betulkan amal ibadat, betulkan niat. Baca doa iftitah kita dan selami maknanya
"Sesungguhnya solat ku, ibadahku hidupku dan matiku untuk Allah raja sekelian alam."
Kita bersatu hati untuk saling ingat mengingati, boleh? Ikutlah, melalui facebook ke, blog ke, email ke.
Dan sentiasa berdoa supaya Allah melindungi kami, keluarga kami, sahabat handai kami dan juga semua muslimin dan muslimat seluruh dunia. Besarkan lingkungan doa.
Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan kepada semua mangsa bencana alam, dan gantikan apa yang telah mereka hilang dengan yang lebih baik.Ameen. Bacalah Innalillawainnailaihiroji'un.dan doa-doa musibah. .
Friday, March 11, 2011
More cartoons for you
Thursday, March 10, 2011
f you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream–and not make dreams your master,
If you can think–and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools:
If you can think–and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings–nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And–which is more–you’ll be a Man, my son!
Or walk with kings–nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And–which is more–you’ll be a Man, my son!
job description
While looking for images for my post I came across really cute ones which I would like to share with you. Let's put it under 'the jobs I have done before'. How cute the cartoons are.
Now, this is what I do.....
Ma u forgot this one
Tougher regime
Humph!! No go. I must try harder.
Yesterday and today I was diligent in carrying out my weight losing scheme.
Cutting down on more food. Nibbling on cornflakes and raisins. Exercising at least once a day. Cutting off chicken. There was a time when I was off chicken for a few years and my weight was less then what it is now. Lets try that too.
Yesterday before lunch, my sister Idah picked me up to accompany her to the dental faculty, UITM to be Mimi's guinea pig. I bought some cut fruits, my so called lunch and bought her a pack of mango. 2 packs for me. As soon as I got into the car, I attacked my fruits. Idah laughed, "Kak, you look exactly like a rabbit. You must be really hungry!". "No, I love fruits", chomping away. " Only hungry people eat at that speed", she insisted. "Ok lah, I love fruits, I am hungry and this is the only thing to eat for me to lose weight", I admitted.
" I am not doing your diet, it is so sayang not to be able to eat", Idah had never been one to forgo eating.
But, if she does go on one, with her million dollars smile, her winning ways and fair skin and complexion, she would get the men ogling and drooling after her.

Old ladies like me, we do this to get the cholesterol down and I no longer dare to hope for more.

Yesterday and today I was diligent in carrying out my weight losing scheme.
Cutting down on more food. Nibbling on cornflakes and raisins. Exercising at least once a day. Cutting off chicken. There was a time when I was off chicken for a few years and my weight was less then what it is now. Lets try that too.
Yesterday before lunch, my sister Idah picked me up to accompany her to the dental faculty, UITM to be Mimi's guinea pig. I bought some cut fruits, my so called lunch and bought her a pack of mango. 2 packs for me. As soon as I got into the car, I attacked my fruits. Idah laughed, "Kak, you look exactly like a rabbit. You must be really hungry!". "No, I love fruits", chomping away. " Only hungry people eat at that speed", she insisted. "Ok lah, I love fruits, I am hungry and this is the only thing to eat for me to lose weight", I admitted.
" I am not doing your diet, it is so sayang not to be able to eat", Idah had never been one to forgo eating.
But, if she does go on one, with her million dollars smile, her winning ways and fair skin and complexion, she would get the men ogling and drooling after her.

Old ladies like me, we do this to get the cholesterol down and I no longer dare to hope for more.

Monday, March 7, 2011
Coming in terms
What do you do when you have to make big decision and you do not know what exactly to do? I like to drive around. Like I did today.
I have lived many houses mostly within the vicinity of Bangsar, Petaling Jaya and Shah Alam and Klang. The Klang Valley.
For a while I wanted to forget my past and blocked them out. It feels like running while being tide up by this unlimited unbreakable string. The faster you ran, the further you go, but cannot break away. You end up feeling there is something amiss. You reluctantly let the memories in. You feel more whole. We should not leave our issues unresolved. Or you will be driving around like me.
Today I left the house early and drove around the Klang Valley. At every corner I would let the memory come back. Where I sat under the rambutan tree. Where I went for my first Abim meeting to see Anwar Ibrahim, before all this befallen upon him. Where all the winding flyover never existed, and the LRT was unthought of. Where the mosque then was smaller and simpler. When most girls wore skirts.
Drove to Klang to see it all changed and unrecognized. The kindergarten belonging to Mariam's family at Jalan Telok Gadong is no longer there. But my brother's La Salle School still stands tall and forbidding. Dewan Hamzah still a distinguished landmark, where my classmates went to perform the school's recorder recitation. No more the ones upon a time famous colourful fountain roundabout that was a big attraction, where our cars would stop around it to see the colours in the waters change. People then were easy to entertain. Klang was one place where things were without much upheavals. Good feelings in Klang.
Stopped at my old school in PJ and immediately felt youthful again, as though something got restored. I could see me, Azam and Azlina at the bus stop. Them, for transport, I walk home. Taking my usual short cuts, criss crossing peoples' back lanes, avoiding the boys' school.
We lived so privately in an area where everyone was behind locked gates. All you say is Hello here, Hello there and that's as far as it goes. Unlock your gate, go in, lock up and dissapear indoors.
Then the life changing experiences took place, shook everything up, topsy turvy, and like Tsunami, destroying whatever it could, living me with little hope, dignity and resources.
Now I drove back onto those past lanes, on my terms.
It never leaves you. When too much had happen, it never leaves you.
Memories can shatter you, but it can also put you back together again.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Beatrix Potter

Only then did the characters of her books caught my attention as to how wonderful they are, so beautifully created and painted, it is truly amazing because during those times, everything was done by hand.

That brings to show that real passion is a gift, no matter how small. Brian Kim said, we should do something out of love, not out of fear, for the root of fear is black. The results would be too. Unquote.
The root of love is beauty. And real beauty is everlasting.
Kak Hanim has a set of cups with Beatrix Potter characters on them. Must get them too.
autumn in shah alam
In Shah Alam there are alot of trees. Therefore, alot of leaves, which seemed to be falling.
At this point of time.
I see the sweepers busy sweeping and I suddenly have a desire. A strange one. To sweep the leaves too.
I would be happy to be able to sweep and put the leaves in the big black bags.
Swish, swish, swish goes my broom, piling the leaves, clearing the grounds.
Swish, swish, swish goes my broom, being a part of the leaves' cycle of life,
Once green, now brown and falling off.
Covering the earth, messing the roadsides.
If I sweep, a simple task so vast to complete.
A change from my usual, mind boggling deep thinking task, so vast to complete.
It would be so nice to do, to just sweep, sweep, sweep
At this point of time.
At this point of time.
I see the sweepers busy sweeping and I suddenly have a desire. A strange one. To sweep the leaves too.
I would be happy to be able to sweep and put the leaves in the big black bags.
Swish, swish, swish goes my broom, piling the leaves, clearing the grounds.

Once green, now brown and falling off.
Covering the earth, messing the roadsides.
If I sweep, a simple task so vast to complete.
A change from my usual, mind boggling deep thinking task, so vast to complete.
It would be so nice to do, to just sweep, sweep, sweep
At this point of time.
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