Wednesday, December 29, 2010


When I was young I couldn’t wait to be a grown up. I wanted to do what I could not do then. I wanted to feel the thrill of doing exciting things. Of having things under control. I wanted my own stuff that I didn’t need to share with my siblings. I wanted to make my own money so that I didn’t have to keep asking. I wanted to make my own decisions without listening to the nags. I wanted to get rid of the school uniforms. I wanted to drive a car. I wanted to fly a plane. I wanted to ride an adult roller coaster. I wanted to go wherever I want, no strings attached. I wanted this. I wanted that.

Now I’m a grown up. And what I want now, is to be a child again.

Playing and running free.

Singing along with Timon, Pumba and Simba:

“Hakuna Matata…”

“It means no worries…for the rest of your dayyyyysssss..”

If only I can turn back time.


I want to sail. But I'm trapped in a bottle.

I guess, Life goes on, huh?


anakrumput said...

Meow. U have a lot of 'wants' huh. Hehe. :-P
Try spending ur time counting what u have. D blessings. D bottomless love ur mum has in store for u. D car tat doesnt break down as often as mine.... i could go on and on and on and onn.. Hehe.
Be grateful meow. ;-)

Picipu said...

eyyy.look at who's u need me to remind u that u have lots of wants too??especially the unnecessary ones.hahahhaahha.astro.macbook air.i can go on and on and on...ekekekke

i am, tig. counting everyday. that's what keeps me sane.

and.u should too when your glasses become darker :P

thanks for the kerepek :)