Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rewriting the old lady's recipe book.

Eventhough my mum did not cook much, but she did went for cooking classes.  ( I  think she went more to make friends...)

The 45 year old book is tattered and torn.

The legacies she left to us. I could write pages on that.  And this recipe book is one of them.

Apart from the book, she showed me that we should write down every important matter, because that's what she did.  In the address book are  listed down dates we got married,  move houses, gave birth, got divorced, dates when someone dies,  when she employed a new teacher, or when a teacher left, what date she payed for what, all is jotted down doggedly,  for the records.

So I am rewriting this recipe book and will try insyaAllah each of them out.  I have to move on from my stir-fries and 'campak-campak' dishes, enough of my egg soup and tumeric fried beef and chicken soup.  Let's see what the old lady had compiled during her hay days and would we stumble upon a killer recipe that can  make me rich and famous. Hey....who knows...as soon as I can comprehend and  make out  her Jawi transcriptions which I read at a snail pace. A slower snail.

This is one of her few tangible legacies that I manage to keep. I hope I can do the honour of passing it down to the girls and their children. InsyaAllah.

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