Last night I watched a movie about J K Rowling on Diva Astro. Magic Beyond Words, was the title of the movie.
Me, a writer wannabe was trilled to bits to be able to see the life of J K Rowling, a great writer, her life, her self, her background.
Apparently she was born with the talent and being smart and bright with her mother's enduring love and encouragement, she had achieved great phenomenal success.
How and how and how could she had created such a story in her head that took the world? MasyaAllah.
How and how and how could she imagined each detail in her head. MasyaAllah.
As for me, as long as there are more then 3 readers of my blog, I will keep on writing. And the 3 have no choice but to read since I am their mother.
I am only a tiny fish in the sea of writers. An anchovy. Ikan bilis
But this anchovy, believes that a kind word can be a balm in this big big world.
All my life I find many answers, signs and enlightenment from what I read. I was not lucky enough to have many people guiding me with love. I had to find my own answers and most times I learnt the hard way.
My greatest source is The Quran. The Miracle. There is where I chart my life from.
Many yesteryears I would look forward to read 'As I was passing' on the NST by the great Adibah Amin or Sri Delima as she was known, and relished her stories with all my heart.
My escapes were The Reader's Digests at my school library which I would always find in my hand instead of the school books even how hard I try to study.
Someone must write something nice to make this world a better place.There will be some lost person somewhere who is looking for answers to her sufferings, or maybe a very sad person who had lost her hope and found some solace in a few lines she came across and kept hanging on, or someone who lost trust in everyone and felt safe and less lonely accompanied by a book.

Nevertheless, I have one thing in common with J K Rowling, that is we read to our children.
I always read to the girls bed time stories when they were young and when I get too tired and sleepy, in that state of semi-consciousness the story would take a turn into 'utter nonsense' which the girls found very amusing and would laugh about it for a long time.
If only I can come up with a magical story......I don't think I can. My imagination does not get fired up enough.
I will just stick to writing from my heart.