Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cat people

The other day I bought a tent for the cats.  It is in a shape of a castle.  Really cute. Will show picture.  I thought that could be a kennel for them since Gio-gio as usual, pissing everywhere.  Maybe they should be confined at the balcony, and retire into the 'castle' and not come into the house.  Alas, no go. They prefer to be in the house, where they can scratch the furnitures, sleep on the dining table and curl up on the comforters.  They don't want no castle.  First it became the place where we put the litter boxes, their toilet and eventually, we packed it up.  Not working.

When Dr Ja came to the house, she commented when she saw the castle, "Aunty dapat banyak pahala buat baik kat kucing".

Actually there are people who are much kinder to cats than I am.  For example Picipu's lecturer. They have many cats, 9 or more, each taken cared of with much love and  individual attention.  Picipu told me that one of the cats love to sleep on the laptop that the lecturer decided to buy another laptop so that she does not have to disturb the cat. She is willing to spend that much for the love of her cat.  If you ask me, whether I would do the same with  Shu-shu, Gio-gio and Tutty, I would say, "are you nuts?".  Put in her place, I would just remoooooovvvvve the cat to one side, use the laptop. If she sleeps on it again, I would do the same thing. Just remoooooovvvvve the cat.

Adi told me that  once, while she was doing her work at this mall in JB, there was this shop owner whom, every evening, would cook rice and fish.  So Adi went and ask him if that was his dinner.  He said no,  it is for cats. (he, mind you) It seems on the way back to his home, he passes this place where there are alot of cats, but no food.   He took pity on them and would cook before he leaves the work place to feed them everyday.  Everyday.

This guy, is going to heaven.

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