My aunties chide me for doting on her, and being oblivious to the difficult time she gave her children. Hehe. My mother (their sister) wasn't easy to please too, so no sweat. Anyway, Cek doesn't mind me. She knows that I think the world of her.
Besides flawless fair skin, slim figure, her impeccable dressing, her wit, her sharp mind and her fierce winning streak, I love her finnese. I have not seen a women who could say what she wants, get what she wants but does it with such flair that you always find yourself succumbed and side-tracked without you realising.
I can write lengths about her dressing. She never leaves the house unless she looks
like a million dollars. Her beautiful baju kurungs given by her children, her dazzling jewelleries of gold, diamonds and precious stones adorning her body add sparkles to her already grand persona. She loves to have blinking stones on her shoes or tudung and uses branded handbags, all put together splendidly without over dressing.
We can speak to her about anything and she has alot to comment, sizing down the situation or person into pieces which only a person who has lived long enough to know and do. She may be 80 of age, but her agile body and mind put us all to shame. Never giving up to the slowing down process we go through, Cek keeps on living life with remarkable style as she always had.

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