Saturday, February 13, 2010

The neighbourhood lit up on chinese new year's eve

One thing for sure, the sarawakians have money to burn. And they usher the chinese new year on a higher note then in Semenanjung.  I have heard about the ban on fire crackers back home but obviously no such thing here. Late last night was fire works and fire crackers galore. The crackers were none stop with its many degree of explosions,  ones that crackle loudly,  some that goes off like pistols and those like bombs that set off the car alarms, and the fire works were  totally awesome.  There were fireworks infront of our houses, far left, far right, behind our houses,  we were going back and forth. Not the small, shy ones we buy at the shop mind you, big ones.   'Doosh' it shoots  in the air, then explodes into beautiful, dazzling and colourful sprays of fire in all sorts of patterns.   Most of the neighbours were out of their houses, we just peep through the curtains in our sleeping clothes with Aishah and Shaz needing to sleep since they have to get up very early.

But of course, we could not sleep until the racket stopped about an hour after the year of the tiger had emerged at 12 am. Wow! The sarawakians celebrate big time. Happy Chinese New Year to my chinese new neighbours!

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