Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nasi Tomato Kak Ros

There is this chef. unknown to everyone, except family and friends.  She cooks mean dishes.  They may not be top notch dishes like beriyani or ayam golek but whatever she cooks has that deliciousness other cooks rarely achieve.  She has been cooking all her life. She talks about food all time (all the time!) and her  passion for cooking still runs strong at her age of 71. She is my elderly friend, sometimes the elder sister I never had, sometimes old enough to be my mum, and most of the time, my teacher.  She is the pint-sized one and only, KAK ROS.  Here is a  picture of nasi tomato she made this morning that smelled so good, we ate it in the car. Authentic and delicious.  Meletop at Lil Haven. Can order...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She used to sell at the pj old town foodcourt court is it?