Assalamualaikum, Picipu in the house :D
After living for 27 years O_o I finally managed to cook asam pedas. Yeah I am that bad. But nothing is too late kikiki ;)
The taste was alright, not bad for a first-timer hehehhehehe. But definitely not as yummylicious as chef hajar's. Hmm I think next time I need to put more daun kesum and some lady fingers.
Mama is so quiet.
Maaa oOooOOo maaaaa. I bet you are bottomless in Singapore :P
Ok see ya. Will report more from my kitchen inshaAllah :D
Bye bye!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
A carrot for my birthday
Last night Mimi came back with my belated birthday present. A soft toy carrot.
I think this is what happened. She was walking, and she saw the carrot. Then, something goes in her head. Mama! She thought of me, because I Iove to eat vegetables.
Last night too, hugging the carrot, I watched Dr Oz on Astro speaking on food for the heart. I made a strong intention, that in conjunction with Hijrah, I would like to change my diet to what Dr Oz recommended. More vegetables, beans, fruits, brown rice and humus. Must check out what that humus actually is. The lady who eats all this looks very healthy. Most important, 30 minutes of exercise everyday.
I think this is what happened. She was walking, and she saw the carrot. Then, something goes in her head. Mama! She thought of me, because I Iove to eat vegetables.
Last night too, hugging the carrot, I watched Dr Oz on Astro speaking on food for the heart. I made a strong intention, that in conjunction with Hijrah, I would like to change my diet to what Dr Oz recommended. More vegetables, beans, fruits, brown rice and humus. Must check out what that humus actually is. The lady who eats all this looks very healthy. Most important, 30 minutes of exercise everyday.
Food for help
Giving is therapy. When you are facing diffiiculties, you are at the end of the road, you see no way out, just give. Give to the needy. Give to those who ask for help. Give to anyone. You problem would insyaAllah somehow become more bearable. Then you eventually cross the worse safely, and find your way out. There is magic in giving
Off to the mosque
Monday, November 12, 2012
Aren't they pweetyyyy???
I go mushy over these so sweet and pretty as a picture can get them at Amcorp Mall, at the entrance.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Mummy's cook book
This is my mum's cook book. All tattered and torn. If I recall it must be nearly 42 years old because I can still remember when I was around the age (minus 42) when she used to go to cooking class, those days called WI. She would bring back some small amount of the food she learnt and after that hardly makes them. If she did, I don't remember.
Sobirin's birthday cake
Today is my nephew Sobirin's 17th birthday. I bought him this moist chocolate cake. Yummy. The girl at the cake shop piped Sabirin instead of Sobirin. Ish...suka hati je...
Nasi Tomato Kak Ros
There is this chef. unknown to everyone, except family and friends. She cooks mean dishes. They may not be top notch dishes like beriyani or ayam golek but whatever she cooks has that deliciousness other cooks rarely achieve. She has been cooking all her life. She talks about food all time (all the time!) and her passion for cooking still runs strong at her age of 71. She is my elderly friend, sometimes the elder sister I never had, sometimes old enough to be my mum, and most of the time, my teacher. She is the pint-sized one and only, KAK ROS. Here is a picture of nasi tomato she made this morning that smelled so good, we ate it in the car. Authentic and delicious. Meletop at Lil Haven. Can order...
Friday, November 9, 2012
Rainbow on your plate
My first food post is this awesome cake made by Ida at Lil Haven. THE RAINBOW CAKE! I am also using this cake for my image, since I love everything rainbow. It tasted fabulous. First layer tasted purple, then it tasted blue, then green. Orange, yellow and red tasted brighter. When you finish the slice, it felt like you have eaten a bit of the rainbow. Can order.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
From now till time unknown, I will post on food.
Wonderful food and some story. Should be short and sweet. Abit busy these days to write long.
Taking my little camera with me now, all set to venture this new topic....tungguuu......
Wonderful food and some story. Should be short and sweet. Abit busy these days to write long.
Taking my little camera with me now, all set to venture this new topic....tungguuu......
getting my food blog right
Ok....trial and error. Somehow it got complicated, this food blog I am trying to create.
So why not I just turn' a place in the heart' into 'a place in the stomach?'
We will just go from here, capturing food that comes before me, on this old blog.
Make life simple.
So why not I just turn' a place in the heart' into 'a place in the stomach?'
We will just go from here, capturing food that comes before me, on this old blog.
Make life simple.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Its a hard place out there
No wonder most people are foolhardy. If I have used the right word. Its not an easy place out there.
'Fight the fight' is one word I got from a movie. We have to overcome the challengers. To settle the problems. To do what needs to be done.
Not easy at all. Things go wrong. Things can go wrong all at once.
The unexpected happens. Take you by your tail. And swings you around.
Lose your cool and you might lose it all.
The best thing we can do is to take ablution, (wudu'), open the Quran and read and understand the verses. Go back to your centre to why we are put in this world. What to do as Mukmins. Mukmins take care of their solat, guards their mouth and hands from hurting other people, fulfills their promises and do not 'melampaui batas', means not to cross their limitations.
We go out with all good intentions, only to encounter obstacles, the biting reality and your own weaknesses.
If only we have the right answer and the right solution for every situation.
We don't. I don't.
Be we learn. Or we lose.
'Fight the fight' is one word I got from a movie. We have to overcome the challengers. To settle the problems. To do what needs to be done.
Not easy at all. Things go wrong. Things can go wrong all at once.
The unexpected happens. Take you by your tail. And swings you around.
Lose your cool and you might lose it all.
The best thing we can do is to take ablution, (wudu'), open the Quran and read and understand the verses. Go back to your centre to why we are put in this world. What to do as Mukmins. Mukmins take care of their solat, guards their mouth and hands from hurting other people, fulfills their promises and do not 'melampaui batas', means not to cross their limitations.
We go out with all good intentions, only to encounter obstacles, the biting reality and your own weaknesses.
If only we have the right answer and the right solution for every situation.
We don't. I don't.
Be we learn. Or we lose.
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