Saturday, January 5, 2013

New year

I love new years. It always brings new hopes.  A time to service your life.

But of course it must come with effort and action, or we will only be wasting our time dreaming for better things.

Recently I have made a discovery.  That love is being consistent with our love.  If you love someone and keeps on loving that person consistently, then it is love.  If your feelings blow hot and cold, it might not be love.  Or if you forget a person for a while or care for  him or her on and off, that is not love.  When you love, you are always consistent.

This year is for the familiar, doing what I have always love to do. To keep on going. Writing, painting house, photography, cooking, reading, whatever I  have been doing. Consistent and persistent would be the motto for 2013.

This year too is for family, for improvement in all important areas.  Third, to incorporate as many Sunnah as possible in my life, by eating and doing what Rasullullah saw teaches us. (I better find more pahala since I will be 50 this year and there is alot more that I do not know and do and time is jealous of us (masa mencemburui kita).

Last year past with alot of tries in making the world a better place for everyone.  Some worked, some did not. But it was all worth the effort.

2013 InsyaAllah  is to be quieter and more private.   But for those I love and loves me (ada ke?), you know where to find me.

Happy New Year.

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