Thursday, May 17, 2012

The story of Rainbow the cat

Sad to inform you that Gio-gio went missing and until today is no where to be found.

It was nearing Aishah's wedding and we, especially me, had so much in our minds and so much more to do.  That night when I fell asleep on the sofa due to tiredness, I woke up at midnight and realized Gio-gio was not in the house or on the awnings.  I woke Ida up and went down to search for him.  That is when I noticed  that some foreigner neighbours are owls.  They are up and about at wee hours, by the pool, or coming in and out of their houses.  They saw Ida and I, in our sleep clothes searching for our cat, calling out softly, so that we do not wake people up," Gio-gio! Gio-gio! Come on boy".  Heart slowly breaking as it felt like another 'loss,' I braced myself for the worse, that he is already far away, alone, somewhere.

Until today, I miss my Gio-gio.  I cannot write more.....

Then Rainbow crossed our path.

It was raining in Bangi.  As I was driving home with Diana, we saw a cat in the middle of the road.  We were in a traffic jam, so the cars were back to back.  One lady came out of the car and pushed the cat to the side of the road.  We saw it going in circles, in pain and in anguish.  It was going back onto the road.  Then Diana shrieked, " Kak Noris, berenti, berenti!!! Kucing tu, kesian, berenti!!!"  I too intended to do something but was thinking what.  And reacting to Diana's shrieks, I pulled over and stopped the car. " Kak Noris, ambik kucing tu, ambik kucing tu", Diana went on, all worked up.  "Cepat, cepat, nanti kena langgar".  How much she cared but had no stomach to pick up the dirty, wet cat,  very thin and full of what looked like, what's the word, kurap  .  I threw a small towel on the cat, picked it up and put it in a box in the boot.  Boxes everywhere from Aishah's wedding. "Okay, okay, jom pergi vet",  said Diana, happy to see cat saved.

I thought I saw a vet once, in Kajang, so we turned and headed for Kajang.  Since we were going to Kajang, we thought of going to the KPJ Hospital to visit my grandnephew who was admitted, while looking out for the vet, which ever we find first. We followed the sign, no KPJ but saw Happy Paws Animal Clinic. Carried the box and went in and registered.  Told the vet our story as the assistant filled up the forms.
"Name of pet?"
 "Rainbow".(since found in the rain)
 "Wah! got name already ah?"
"Ya lah!" (I am a namer.  I name everything at a drop of a hat)
"Sorry to say, I have checked her lungs and they are not good. Rainbow has pneumonia. I don't know if she can make it. She is also very very under-nourished. Look how thin she is, just skin and bones."

The vet started calculating the charges for Rainbow's treatment.  It came up to RM500.00.  To pay half first.  I looked at Diana, Diana looked at me.  She did not have her bag with her.

Seeing me emptying my purse, the assistant said, " both of you are kind women". I pointed to Diana and said," she!" And Diana pointed to me and said "she!"

We went home, Diana thinking of Rainbow and me, thinking of RM500.00.

One week passed, no call from the Happy Paws vet.  Maybe Rainbow was really in a bad shape and did not make it.

The eighth day, a call came in.  "Hello, this is the vet. You can come and collect Rainbow.  She is well now, she survived."

It is always good news to hear when someone or something has made it. Got through. Survived.  From sickness, from tests, from hardship, from anything.  And my favourite name and its namesake,  has made it.

So I went with Mimi to collect Rainbow. Not only she was clean and kurapless, she was fatter, and looked like any normal healthy cat. She was a pretty cat, powdery beige in colour. She eats alot, it seems.  I paid the remaining bills and made a difficult decision to not bring her home.  I am still missing my Gio-gio.  I am not ready to take in another cat.  So we went to the Bangi market and left Rainbow there to continue her remaining 8 lives.

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